Yesterday, members of the Utah Farm Bureau toured Associated Food Stores’ distribution center in Farr West. The visit was part of a comprehensive tour designed to highlight the journey from farm to table and to emphasize the important role independent grocers play in serving their communities. 

“The goal of our tour today was to introduce some of our Utah legislators to the process our food takes to go from our farm to their table,” said Valjay Rigby, president of the Utah Farm Bureau and fifth-generation farmer from Cache Valley.

The tour, led by Director of Logistics and Transportation Justin Johnson, provided bureau members with valuable background about the complexities of the supply chain and the significant contributions of local grocers in providing fresh, quality products and other goods.  

The representatives asked many questions to better understand AFS’ unique offerings and Justin, along with other distribution center leaders, provided insightful responses. The group viewed each area of the distribution center including an inside look at Project ROAR, the distribution center modernization and automation effort that continues to progress at the heart of the facility. 

“For us, it’s crucial to showcase how independent grocers are integral to the local economy and community health,” said Sarah Pettit, public affairs, Associated Food Stores. “This tour provided a valuable opportunity for the Farm Bureau to understand the challenges and triumphs of our organization.” 

For more details and video coverage of the tour, please watch upcoming editions of Team News.