How are shoppers dealing with inflation?
Each year, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) publishes numerous studies that provide shopper insights pertaining to the grocery business. The reports give dozens of findings and interesting perspective on what shoppers eat, how they feel and how they buy/get food.
Team News frequently break down these lengthy studies into bite-sized bits of delicious details to help AFS team members and retailers better understand the habits and trends of today’s shoppers. Additionally, readers will get additional insight from experts at AFS.
Here’s today’s fact from FMI:
To navigate the challenges posed by inflation shoppers are looking for more deals (50% of shoppers concerned with rising prices), buying more store brands (44%), purchasing fewer items (41%), and using store loyalty programs more (28%).
“With this fact in mind, it’s important we continue emphasizing the values our Exclusive Brands offer our shoppers,” said Jessica Cronin, rewards manager. “Furthermore, when we partner our Exclusive Brands with rewards offers, we hit on two of the key opportunities referenced in the FMI research.”