Two well-known retail companies recently teamed up to benefit their guests. RC Willey was looking for something unique to entice shoppers needing a new refrigerator. At the same time, Associated Food Stores (AFS) is always looking for new customers, so an intriguing partnership was born. 

For three weeks in August, anyone who bought a refrigerator priced over $1,500 at RC Willey was given a gift card for $100 to fill the new refrigerator at Macey’s, Lin’s, Dan’s, Dick’s Market or Fresh Market. Social media played an important role in sharing the message including the creative video that can be viewed below.

Over 150 refrigerators were sold during the promotion, and both companies are hoping this is the beginning of a long-term partnership.  

“Working with a local company with similar goals, like RC Willey, was a great and mutually beneficial experience,” said Maddie Gilbert, marketing director for Associated Food Stores. 

Both companies are looking for additional opportunities to partner in the future. (Maybe a freezer full of Red Button Vintage Cramery ice cream?)  

“It’s challenging to determine exactly how many customers chose to purchase a refrigerator due to the gift card incentive,” said Scott Hymas, president and CEO of RC Willey. “I do know that when those customers walk into one of your grocery stores, they will probably think of RC Willey, and when someone walks into RC Willey, they will probably think of your stores, and that’s a good thing!”