Learn about some of the most pressing federal issues for local grocers.

 The week of May 20 Justin Atwater, Darin Peirce, and Sarah Pettit traveled to Washington D.C. to support the National Grocers Association’s (NGA) lobbying efforts with the “Fly-In for Fair Competition.” The AFS trio joined independent grocers from across the nation to advocate for a level playing field regarding important topics that grocers face daily.

The AFS team met with the offices of Senator Salinas (OR), Senator Lee (UT), Senator Romney (UT), and Representative Maloy (UT). While each meeting with members of Congress was less than a half-hour, topics covered included credit card swipe fees, enforcement of fair-trade practices, and protecting current measures with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formally known as food stamps) benefits.

The meetings at NGA were effective with members of Congress learning more about AFS’ position on critical topics. The goal of AFS’ Government Affairs team is to help local, state and federal governments understand how seriously AFS retailers take the responsibility of serving their local communities as essential businesses. AFS also wants to stand as advocates and bring awareness to the challenges independent grocers face. AFS leaders know that speaking up can change conversations that influence legislation and create a fair space for AFS member retailers to do business.

If you have questions regarding the topics in this article or would like to become involved with your local government, please contact Sarah Pettit at Scpettit@afstores.com. Watch for more government affairs updates on StoreLink in the Government Affairs section.