Considering the many different challenges with Cyber Security in today’s world, effective immediately the following procedures are mandatory for verification of any financial account changes.  This policy specifically applies to any team members who initiate or approve electronic funds transfers, initiate or approve vendor payments, or have access to technology resources that may have a potential financial impact. If you are requested to make any changes to financial account or bank account information for any reason, adherence to the following procedures is mandatory.
  • Document the requested change including who requested the change
  • Independently call the person requesting the change and verbally confirm that the change requested is accurate.  Contact the requestor at a phone number independent of anything supplied in the change request. Do not make any requested changes until you have received verbal confirmation that it is a valid request from an authorized person.
  • Include in your documentation the date, time and person who you spoke with to confirm the change

The purpose of the Call Back Policy is to simply validate any out of the ordinary requests. Adhering to these procedures allows us to verify that the requested change is accurate and will help protect us and our business partners from fraudulent requests that could potentially have significant financial impacts.

Questions can be directed to Wade Judd at or Travis Boman at