Which Shoppers Put the Most Effort into Healthy Eating? 

Each year, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) publishes a study called “U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends: Future Outlook.” The 20-page report gives dozens of insights and interesting perspective on what shoppers eat, how they eat and how they buy/get food.  

In a continuation of the series, Team News breaks down the lengthy study into bite-sized bits of delicious details to help AFS team members and retailers better understand the habits and trends of today’s shoppers. Additionally, readers will get additional insight from experts at AFS.


Here’s today’s fact from FMI:

Households with kids tend to put in more effort toward healthy eating (39% put a lot of effort in), as do both Millennials (35%) and Gen Xers (31%). Effort goes down as people age.

“While it’s important we communicate with as many guests and potential guests as possible, households with children present great opportunities for us to develop lasting, mutually beneficial relationships that can benefit our stores for decades,” said Heather Hall, marketing manager. “It becomes a win-win situation as we help families achieve their healthy eating goals and they develop and maintain loyalty to their local grocer.”