Dick’s Market in Centerville plays an important role in the upcoming documentary “Stand Out,” which tells the inspiring story of Ben Kjar, who lives with Crouzon syndrome. One of the key scenes in the film takes place at Dick’s Market, where a young Ben, played by Colton Fielding, experiences a heartbreaking moment when another shopper hurries his children away, treating Ben as though he is scary. This scene captures the real-life challenges Kjar faced growing up and highlights the importance of understanding and empathy towards those with visible differences.
Associated Food Stores has a long-standing connection with T.C. Christensen and his son Tanner Christensen. The two filmmakers collaborated with the AFS marketing team on several rounds of Fresh Market television commercials years ago.
“Because of our partnership with T.C. and Tanner, we were happy to support them. Stephanie Stewart, store director, and Jeff Davis, assistant store director, along with the entire Dick’s Market Centerville team, were instrumental in providing a space for filming while still taking excellent care of our guests,” said Elizabeth Barnett, senior marketing specialist.
Dick’s Market received positive recognition in a recent article about the documentary which can be read here.